Memory usage before the loop: 420KB
Memory limit: 3072MB
Memory usage after iteration 0: 420KB (0% of the available memory for the script)
Memory usage after iteration 10000: 936KB (0% of the available memory for the script)
Memory usage after iteration 20000: 1448KB (0% of the available memory for the script)
Memory usage after iteration 30000: 1448KB (0% of the available memory for the script)
Memory usage after iteration 40000: 2472KB (0% of the available memory for the script)
Memory usage after iteration 50000: 2472KB (0% of the available memory for the script)
Memory usage after iteration 60000: 2472KB (0% of the available memory for the script)
Memory usage after iteration 70000: 4520KB (0% of the available memory for the script)
Memory usage after iteration 80000: 4520KB (0% of the available memory for the script)
Memory usage after iteration 90000: 4520KB (0% of the available memory for the script)
Memory usage after the loop: 4520KB